All posts by Miles

World’s most neglected barcode printer

I promised Sue I wouldn’t mention her company name when I wrote this, but I want to show you how neglected a barcode printer can be and still work.  Here are the consequences if you don’t get your barcode printer serviced, keep it clean or look after it!

Neglected Thermal printer
Neglected barcode label printer

I went to visit Sue and see how her printer is performing and couldn’t resist taking this photo.

This is a pretty powerful endorsement of just how durable Zebra printers are.

This Zebra S4M is seven years old and never been serviced (and I think it’s probably never been cleaned).  It’s been printing several thousand labels a week, without a problem.

You can see it is coated in a layer of dust inside and out and the printhead was thick with black label and ribbon residue.  The platen roller (if you don’t know what a platen roller is – there’s a picture below) was also cut (never use a knife to get labels out of your printer).

Three reasons why you need a regular barcode printer service

  1. It will cost you more to replace the thermal printhead and platen roller.  Both will eventually wear out, but they can last twice as long if they’re looked after properly.
  2. Your once beautiful barcode label printer will produce labels that won’t scan if you don’t service your printer.  Labels that can’t be read are a problem because your customers will get angry when they can’t scan them at the checkout.*
  3. It’s very stressful.  Your barcode printer will stop working at the worst possible time – just when you need to print 10,000 labels.  You’ll be highly stressed telling your customer that their shipment can’t go out because you can’t print any labels.  You’ll be on the phone asking for an engineer to come out to fix your label printer right away and you won’t be having a good day.  A same day visit (if you can get one) will cost lots of money.

How to Avoid the Cost and Stress of Neglected Label Printers
If it’s been a while since you had your barcode printer serviced or even cleaned – you have a couple of choices – the dependable and the inexpensive options.

Dependable: book an engineer to come out and give your barcode label printer a service.  They will clean and check it and replace any parts that are worn or damaged.  See more here.

thermal printhead cleaning
Cleaning your thermal printhead is easy

Inexpensive: buy some alcohol cleaning wipes (we sell COSHH compliant packs of pre-saturated alcohol cleaning wipes in sealed packets) and get the vacuum cleaner to work.

Vacuum your printer out and clean the printhead and platen roller with the wipes.

Print a test label and check it for quality – there shouldn’t be any white lines appearing in solid blocks of print.  If there are – it indicates your printhead is wearing out.

Take a close look at the platen roller and check it for cuts or wear.  There’s a picture of a platen roller below.   Contact us if you need any help and we’d be happy to advise.  To find out more about our printer support options see our printer support page here.  We have an easy to use guide to cleaning your  barcode label printer – see it here.

Barcode Label Printer Service - platen roller
This is the rubber platen roller

*You probably won’t even realise your labels are unreadable until you have ten thousand products in the shops all with bars missing from the barcodes.  Perhaps buying an entry level barcode scanner to test scan every day might be a worthwhile investment?

Barcode and Label Design Software, BarTender by Seagull Scientific is 30 Years Old

Seagull Scientific bartender label design Software

BarTender is our favourite label design software package.  Not only is the software powerful and reliable, the support we get from the software developers, Seagull Scientific, is quick and knowledgeable. As it’s 30 years old this year, I wanted to take this opportunity to celebrate BarTender’s birthday with some birthday presents.

BarTender first appeared thirty years ago in 1987 as BarTender for DOS (if you remember what DOS was), making it probably the oldest, most stable label design program.  in 1987 Seagull Scientific were making barcode scanners and their barcode design software was a sideline.  In 1993 they launched a Windows version of their label design software and saw, for the first time, that year BarTender sales overtook hardware sales, prompting them to concentrate solely on label design software.

In 1994 Seagull developed windows printer drivers for thermal label printers, and to this day, have been the best alternative (perhaps a better alternative) to the printer manufacturers’ own drivers.

1999 saw Seagull Scientific become an international company, opening a European office – followed by a Taipei office covering Asia Pacific and another in Tokyo.  Another step into the big leagues was establishing a relationship first with Oracle then with SAP – and enabling their top end label edition to work with enterprise level ERP software.

Over the thirty years BarTender has been in development it’s seen 11 major revisions – adding the ability to print onto RFID labels, the addition of ID card printing and a host of incremental improvements for ease of use and stability.  Over the years it’s won numerous awards from various industry groups and associations.

12 Reasons Why You’d Want to Look at BarTender

I’ve chosen just ten features from the hundreds that make BarTender so powerful.  BarTender comes in four editions – Basic, Professional, Automation and Enterprise Automation.  Whilst you can use all of these features with the trial version of the software, not all editions enable all these features.  Talk to us about what you’re wanting to achieve.

  1. Connect your databases and spreadsheets directly to your labels – no need to key in product details into your labels.  Simply link your label to the database and select the products you want to print.
  2. Use a data entry form to simplify label printing.  Design a form, fill in the fields and print your labels.  Users won’t need to delve into label designs in order to print.
  3. Password protect your label designs.  Operators can still print, but they can’t accidentally change your carefully created label formats.
  4. Keep track of who’s printed what labels with the detailed usage history.
  5. Print directly from your iPhone, iPad or Android device with the BarTender Print Portal app.
  6. Automate your label printing – automatically print address labels in response to customer orders arriving on your website.
  7. Print from the cloud – use a web portal to print your labels.
  8. Print ID cards and RFID embedded labels – use BarTender with your ID Card printer or Radio Frequency ID enabled printer.
  9. Design labels quickly and easily – use the alignment tool to align text, or group objects together so you can move them around your label, rotate images, text and barcodes… I could continue.
  10. Print onto round, oval or rectangular labels.
  11. Reduce the number of label templates your organisation uses – massively. Using BarTender’s Intelligent Templates, large users of labels can organise their templates and reduce the number of templates used.
  12. Integrate with ERP systems – BarTender has direct support for corporate ERP systems including SAP, Oracle and IBM WebSphere with BarTender’s easy to use Integration builder.

BarTender Birthday Presents

As with any birthday – let’s talk birthday presents.

We’ve got some useful presents to give away: 8GB USB memory sticks and Power Banks to give your flagging smartphone battery a new lease of life.

Bartender 8GB USB memory stick
BarTender 8GB USB memory stick

Bartender powerbank portable phone charger
BarTender Powerbank Portable Phone Charger

We’ll be giving these away to the first four readers from the UK who test for themselves the latest version of BarTender.

All you have to do is download a 30 day trial of BarTender and email me to let me know what you thought to it.  Download the 64 bit and 32 bit versions by clicking here.

Sorry but we’re only giving these gifts to UK based readers.


The Labels Printers We Use and Why We Use Them

Not only do we sell barcode printers, labels and scanners we also print tens of thousands of labels each month for our customers. In this short article I want to share with you the hardware and software that we use in our business, and why we use them.

Printing labels.

We have three printers – a Zebra ZM400, a Zebra 170XiII and a Toshiba TEC 572.

Zebra ZM 400

Zebra ZM400 at Expert Labels
Zebra ZM400

This is our work horse printer. It’s a tough 4 inch wide industrial printer with a metal case and with a capacity for printing tens of thousands of label each day. It’s fast and it’s reliable. What’s special about this particular model is that it has a 300 DPI printhead. That’s certainly good enough quality for the print jobs we do. We’ve not been asked for very high resolution labels so 300 dpi has proved to suit our work. Usual printers are 203 DPI but our ZM400 prints high definition labels which can be used to present product labels and print small barcodes. It’s six years old and has given no sign of stopping.

Zebra 170xii

Zebra 170 XiII at Expert Labels
Zebra 170 XiII

What is special about this printer is that it’s 6 inches wide. When we have a choice we tend not to use it. Compared to the ZM400 it’s a little fiddly to load ribbons and labels. Once it’s set up it will print for days on end (and from time to time it does). The Zebra Xi series has always been Zebra’s top of the range printers and built for non-stop mission critical printing. We do have one particular job that requires six across labels and this printer is ideal. Six across labels means the output it 50% greater than the ZM400 – if we were using it every day it would pay for itself in no time, because it’s capable of printing more labels every second. In addition to having a very reliable printer, we also need the 170 XiII just in case somebody asks for a very wide label.

With a metal case, this is a very durable printer. On one occasion when we loaned it out to a customer it was dropped. Even though the case was bent slightly the printer has worked ever since. Despite it’s age (it is more than 15 years old) it’s still going strong.

The Toshiba TEC B572

Toshiba TEC B-572

This printer is what’s called a near edge printer. This means that it copes very well with different thicknesses of media. It has a straight through paper path – in other words the labels come off the roll and feed straight under the printhead, through the platen roller and out the front of the printer. That’s useful when you’re printing onto thicker materials such as cardboard tags.

This printer is also a 300 dpi model. It too has a metal case.

It uses different thermal ink ribbons to the two Zebras – near edge ribbons, ribbons with a different composition of wax on it. That’s useful when a customer needs us to test ribbons for them. Not only that, the ribbons are 600m long, compared to Zebra’s 450m so on long jobs there’s less machine watching in case the ribbon runs out. With it’s Near Edge technology, the TEC 572 has “Ribbon Save”. The ribbon stops being pulled through the printer when there’s nothing on the label to print. With traditional printers, if you produce a meter of labels you use a meter of thermal ribbon whether you have text on the label or not. The TEC stops the ribbon moving when there’s no text to print on the labels. We don’t tend to use ribbon save because it slows the printer down – but if saving ribbons was important to us, we would.

This printer is getting on a little also. But with a metal case and available spares, it’ll give us years more printing without a problem.

Label Rewind unit

UR100 Rewind Unit
UR100 Rewind Unit

We couldn’t print longer runs without this handy tool. You switch it on, load an empty cardboard roll onto it, attach the first label out of the printer to it and switch it on. It takes up the tension and waits for more labels to print. As the printer feeds out labels it re-winds them onto the roll. As it’s an external rewind unit, it has a separate power supply and sits on the desk at the front of the printer. This is useful for us, because we can use it with any of the printers we have. Before we bought this unit, we’d sit for hours laboriously rolling labels onto rolls.

Label Design Software

Seagull Scientific Bartender
Seagull Scientific Bartender

We’ve been using Seagull Scientific’s Bartender label design software for years.  It’s powerful and fairly easy to use.  Because we can find ourselves using it for a wide range of different jobs we need something that’s flexible and powerful.  There’s lots that’s good for example serialisation – you can have number sequences, letter sequences, specify how many numbers/letters the sequence jumps.  Bartender handles GS128 barcodes well.  GS128 barcodes are the large barcodes that you see on pallets and outer case labels.  It’s a barcode that encodes best before dates, lot numbers, pack sizes, manufacturing dates – the list goes on.  Without Bartender managing those “application identifiers”, printing GS128 barcodes would be much more difficult.  Another benefit is the ability to program the software.  One project saw us printing very complex labels.  The label included printing from databases and adding a roll identifier (a label that told the user what range of numbers was printed on the roll).  Bartender also allowed us to print in reverse order so the last label printed was the first label in the sequence.

For advice and ideas for using Bartender, call us on 01359 271 111.

A Close Look at Sato’s CL4NX Super Printer

We’ve been working with thermal label printers for more than two decades and just when I say barcode printers are about as easy to use as they can ever be  – I end up eating my words.  Take a look at the Sato CL4NX Thermal printer.

The Sato CL4NX thermal label printer can only be described it as the most powerful, versatile label printer I’ve ever encountered (so far). They’re not cheap but the build quality is very reassuring and you can do so much with these printers.

Let’s look at what makes this printer what it is, starting with the ordinary bits.  It prints labels up to 104mm wide (four inches).  It prints at a respectable 250mm per second. Like the Zebra ZT printers, it has a bi-fold side door so it fits into small spaces.

What Makes the Sato CLNX Printer so Special?

Ten interesting features that you’ll find on the Sato CL4NX printer, but the last one is the best.

Watch Videos on Your Printer???

Play Videos on your Sato printer
Play Videos on your Sato printer

1.  Full colour display – to the point where you can play videos on this printer.  If members of staff (or contractors) need to know how to change ribbons or clear a fault, you can play the video on the printer and watch, step-by-step, to see how to do various tasks. This is probably the most striking part of this printer.

The Sato CL4NX Thermal Printer’s Got a Mouth Like a Hippo

Easy access printhead for cleaning
Easy access printhead for cleaning

2.  It’s got the widest opening printhead I think I’ve ever seen on an industrial printer.  Now that might sound quite geeky, but when you need to clean a printhead, ease of access makes the job so much easier. I’ve never seen an industrial printer open up as wide as this.

A Printer that Talks to Your Phone

3.  It uses NFC (near field communications) – you can read or write the printer configurations by simply waving your NFC enabled phone in front of the printer. That’s pretty handy if you’ve got 10 of these printers you want to reconfigure.

The Sato CL4NX’s Simple Sticky Pad

Handy Ribbon Take up spool sticky pad
Sticky pad makes changing thermal ribbons easier

4.  Other small, but very useful features include a small sticky pad on the ribbon take-up spool. Sounds pretty insignificant but unlike with other printers, there’s no need to wrap the ribbon around and around and hope that friction will keep it in place.  With the Sato you simply stick the end of the ribbon to the white pad, give it a turn and it’s ready to start printing. On the subject of ink rolls, there’s no cardboard take up spool that you find with many printers,  so the spent ribbon material simply goes into the recycling bin – no mixed recycling irritations.

No Need to Cut your Printer

The Sato CL4NX Thermal printer's platen roller change
No tools needed to change platen roller

5.  No tool platen roller removal.  This printer comes with a platen roller that can be removed without any tools. When you find an adhesive label gets wrapped around the platen roller,  instead of needing to call out our engineers or damage the roller cutting the label off with a knife, all you do is press a button and you can lift out the platen roller for easy cleaning.

Sato CL NX’s Connections

Lots of connection options with the Sato CL4NX Thermal printer
Lots of connection options

6.  Plenty of connections.  This printer has Bluetooth, USB, serial, parallel and network connections as standard.  Including a USB socket (for a keyboard) on the front of the printer.  The only optional extra you pay for is Wi-Fi.

The Printer that Remembers Where it Left Off

7.  As with most printers it comes with a real time clock so even though the print job has been sent to the printer with time and date set at print time, it updates as printing progresses. Might not sound important but if you’re using a peel and present feature on the printer and the printer is pausing every time it prints, there can be quite a delay before the label is printed.

Longest Lasting Printhead in the Business

8.  Another advantage this printer has over it’s major rivals is a super long life printhead. This printhead is made to last twice as long as the competitions printheads, but with the same price.


The Sato CL4NX Thermal printer's extra large label roll capacity
Extra large label roll capacity

9.  This printer has an optional 10 inch roll holder.  Normal printers take rolls that are eight inches in diameter.  This one can use rolls with a 10 inch outside diameter. That means you get a whole load more labels on your roll and that, in turn, means you don’t have to change rolls so often – giving you less downtime.

The last and perhaps most powerful feature is AEP – Sato’s Application Enabled Printing. This powerful programming language makes full use of the printer’s colour screen, takes advantages of scanners, weigh scales and Bluetooth and USB keyboards to give you a fully stand-alone printer.  With AEP you can have bespoke applications written – customised to your organisation’s processes – and prompt users to enter data, validate the information and print.   In fact it so versatile it’s able to search the web for information.  The application we had on our Sato CL4NX Thermal printer had a barcode scanner read a book’s ISBN barcode then the printer went off to the internet,  look up what the ISBN Book title was – along with a summary of the book – and printed it on label.

In Summary

AEP makes the Sato CL4NX Thermal printer a very versatile printer.  The host of convenient features, such as wide opening printhead and the sticky pad for loading the ink ribbon make this an extremely usable printer.  Sato have given this printer a lot of thought.

Want to see Sato’s CLNX Printer For Yourself?

If you’d like to see more – perhaps get your hands on the Sato CL4NX label printer – visit our contact page and get in touch.  We’d be delighted to talk you through it’s  features and arrange for you to see one.

The Versatile Loop Lock Label

A Label that’s not a Label – it’s a Tag

Most people call them loop lock labels but you might have seen them described as self tie loops, luggage tags, handle ties, self tie tags, wrap ties – even label loops.  They all do the same thing – they’re a tag without adhesive that you loop round on itself and attach to an item.  Technically they’re a label – because they identify something – but without any glue they’re not strictly loop lock labels.

Loop Lock Labels

A Tag with a Thousand Uses

These are the tie on tags you see most often on trees and plants, but a more innovative use included one caravan park that tied a different coloured label onto the caravan door handle to indicate which day the caravan needed to be cleaned.  Other uses include turkeys, bread crates and laundry baskets – there must be tens of thousands of possible uses. Once you’ve seen this, you’ll realise how versatile these tags are.  Certainly we’ve supplied them to steel tubing suppliers and abattoirs but most often to plant nurseries or garden centres.

Loop Lock Labels – Choice of Materials

What makes this tag so versatile? One reason is the material they’re made from.  They’re versatile because they can be made from low cost paper, waterproof and durable plastic, tear and scratch proof plastic, heat resistant plastic and tear proof tyvek. What’s more, if you use them in food production, you can get your tags with metal content, so they can be detected by metal detectors (avoiding the PR disaster of having your tags turn up in your customer’s food). Finally, most of these tags are 100% recyclable.

Choice of Printing Onto Your Tags

The other feature that makes them so versatile is how they are printed. Most of our clients use thermal printers because they’re fast, reliable and cheap.  However, many of our garden centre clients print full colour Loop Locks using laser printers and of course there’s still a sizeable number who use the trusty pen. If you need to print full colour loop lock labels – visit our contact page, get in touch and ask about our sheet loop lock label supplies.  If you’re printing thousands, let us print your tags with your logo and message whilst you overprint them with product and price information.

Loop Lock Labels Come in Dozens of Different Shapes and Sizes

Another versatility plus is that these tags come in a huge range of different sizes. In our stock range, choose from eight different colours or have your own logo printed onto the tag. We can even print your labels for you.  Include a perforated tear off section for prices or codes.

Be Warned

Loop Lock Labels come in a fairly small range of standard sizes.  Whilst you’re able to make tags any size you’d like, new tag sizes will cost.  People usually buy plastic tags and cutting dies for plastic materials are more expensive than paper.  Adding perforations and unusual cuts will put up the cost.  Click through to our Loop Lock Label page and see what standard sized tags are available.

If you have a thermal printer, these tags are made to fit any 110mm wide thermal transfer label printer that’s big enough to take a 8 inch roll of labels (i.e. a printer that’s larger than a desktop printer).

Whilst they’re a really easy way to quickly label trees, bushes and shrubs, don’t forget they can be used to tag all sorts of other things. You can use these tags to identify cables, furniture, tools, shelf racking, steel bars, computers – in fact many kinds of assets can be labelled with loop lock labels and tags.

If you need to clearly tag something, Loop lock labels might be the answer.  Call us on 01359 271 111 or email the team at

Zebra’s New Baby Printer the Zebra ZD410

Zebra ZD410 2 inch wide label printer

No, Zebra Inc haven’t developed technology to print babies – but they have launched the new Zebra ZD410 – the baby in their range.  It’s the smallest desktop label printer Zebra make, replacing the long serving Zebra LP2824. Here’s our short review of it:

What’s so special about the Zebra ZD410?

  1. It’s small. Did I mention that already? So small that it will fit on any desktop or counter.  Perfect when size really does matter.
  2. It’s fast – up to 150mm (six inches) per second.
  3. Wide opening Zebra ZD410 Label Printer.It’s easy to use – it’s direct thermal so there’s no ribbon to change. – Look how wide it opens.
  4. It’s got a lot of cabled and wireless connections. Choose from USB, Serial, Wifi, Bluetooth and Ethernet.
  5. It’s multilingual (in printer terms) – speaking the printer language of it’s rivals. That means it can directly replace rival brands.
  6. You can plug an Zebra supplied keyboard/display unit into the printer, which you can use (after downloading a label format) instead of a computer.
  7. It has a movable gap sensor – which means you can print dumbbell labels, labels with notches at the edge and labels with off centre blackmarks.

It’s a shame it doesn’t use the ZBI 2 programming language, but it’s an entry level printer – and an extremely capable one at that.

Use the Zebra ZD410 for printing labels, tags and tickets that have a relatively short label life, due to the printers Direct Thermal capability.  By short life, it lasts months rather than years and certain thermal labels will discolour in the sun or if exposed to heat.  Ask us for some test labels if you’re unsure.

Another thing to note is the print width – just 56mm or 2.2 inches.  Don’t let the size limit you, we supply a wide range of labels that will fit the ZD410.

For pricing or if you have any questions on how you can use it, click through to our contact page and get in touch.  We’ve been working with Zebra printers since 1994 so there’s not much we’ve haven’t seen.  Want more information now?  Download the full spec sheet here.

Imagine our surprise when …

Expert Labels customer Criterion Ices
Expert Labels customer Criterion Ices

Last weekend, when the sun finally made an appearance, I was out in Runnymede, Surrey with my family when I suddenly spotted a sign at the National Trust selling Criterion Ices!  We have been printing labels for Criterion Ices for the past 6 years and it was great to see their delicious ice creams on sale so far from their Suffolk roots.

If you need barcodes or short run labels like Criterion Ices, please contact us.  If you are lucky enough to see their ice cream on sale, have a coffee one … they’re awesome!

How to care for your thermal barcode printer

Neglected Thermal printer
Neglected Thermal printer

Congratulations on choosing a thermal barcode printer.  You’ve chosen the most reliable technology for printing high quality barcode labels.  Thermal printers will give you years of trouble free printing, at a cost below what a laser or inkjet can achieve.  That said, if you follow these  simple steps to care for your thermal barcode printer, you will extend the life of your printer and avoid faulty labels and barcodes that don’t scan.

All thermal printers use printheads.  Thermal printheads cost hundreds of pounds, rising steeply in price if you have a high resolution or a wide printhead.  Many people don’t realise they wear out and need replacing.  The printhead is one of only a couple of parts that need care on your printer.  Read on and learn how to care for your barcode printer.

How to care for your thermal barcode printer.

Here are eight things you can do to care for your thermal barcode printer and save money.

  1. Run your printer at the lowest acceptable temperature or darkness setting.
  2. Clean your printhead every time you change ribbons (or in the case of thermal labels, a roll of labels).  I know that sounds tedious, but with an alcohol cleaning wipe, it’ll only take a few seconds.  Contact us and we’ll send you out some complimentary printhead wipes.

    Taking care of your thermal printhead is easy
    Cleaning your thermal printhead is easy
  3. Reduce printhead pressure.  With small desktop printers, you don’t have that option, but with larger industrial printers, there are thumb screws that allow you to reduce the printhead pressure.

    Adjusting a thermal printhead
    Adjusting a thermal printhead
  4. If you’re using thermal ribbons, make sure they’re wide enough to cover the whole width of the labels you’re printing.
    Overlapping thermal ribbon
  5. Slow your print speed.  The slower the better.
  6. Test different thermal printer ribbons. Different formulations of ribbons can give great print results at a lower temperature – leading to longer thermal printhead life.  Contact us and ask for some sample ribbon for you to test.
  7. Never take a knife or screwdriver to your printer.  If a label gets stuck, use isopropanol alcohol to clean the label off.  Sharp objects damage printers – and will end up costing you money.
  8. If you’re using an industrial sized Zebra printer, ask us about their extended life printheads.  Zebra claim they’ll last twice as long as a standard printhead.  Contact us to check if your printer can take one of these printheads.
Label Printing Centre

Barcode Label Printing

Are you looking for barcode labels, batch labels, product serial numbers or just product labels?

Sometimes having someone else do your barcode label printing makes good business sense.  Save buying printers and software and have us print your short run label jobs.

Let’s get to the point – we want to help you print your barcode labels.  Please read about our label printing service below, but…

If you want to get prices for barcode labels, click the Get Prices button below:

And, if you’re unsure about anything and you’d like quick, expert advice on getting your barcode labels printed, phone 01359 271 111 or email us at

Otherwise, read on and learn about our barcode label printing service.

More than just Barcode Label Printing.

We work with our customers to provide:

  • Barcode labels
  • Text or Number only labels
  • Lot number labels
  • Batch numbers printed onto labels
  • Serial number labels
  • Postage labels
  • ID labels for assets
  • Complex sequentially numbered labels
  • Labels from databases or spreadsheets

If you know what you need, get prices here.  Have some questions?  Scroll down to read our guide, or talk to one of our experts – call 01359 271 111, or email us now at

124 Different Label and Tag Materials and More than 6,000 Sizes.

Not only do you expect us to do your barcode label printing, but we also make sure the labels and tags meet some pretty high standards too.

Huge Cutter library
Huge Cutter library

In addition to standard paper labels, we’ve got decades of experience of barcode label printing to more difficult materials.
You can have:

  • Tear resistant tags
  • Fan-folded labels
  • Outdoor and plant labels
  • Scratch resistant labels
  • Heat proof labels up to 500 Deg C
  • Cryogenic labels (down to minus 176 Dec C)
  • Multi-part labels – that allow part of the label to be peeled and applied elsewhere
  • Tamper resistant and tamper evident asset labels and
  • Coloured labels of all kinds.

Not only do we print onto these different materials, we also ensure the inks we use remain durable and legible under very demanding conditions for the life of the label or tag.  Our barcode printing service to you includes checking and guaranteeing that the label or tag will work with the thermal ink it’s printed with.

Choose From More than 97 Barcodes.

When it comes to barcode label suppliers, you can choose from dozens of different barcode styles – such as:

  • QR Codes
  • Code 128
  • Code 39
  • ITF 14
  • UPC A & E
  • EAN 8 and 13.

But if you need some of the more obscure barcodes – we can help:

  • CDs and DVDs
  • PDF417 codes
  • Code 49
  • Codabloc
  • IATA 2of 5
  • ISBN book codes
  • JAN 8 and 13 Han Xin codes
  • Aztec codes.

We work with 97 different barcodes (and that number rises every time a new barcode is introduced).  We can print all the postal and shipping codes, pharmaceutical and healthcare and GS1 specified barcodes for you.

Complex Printing Solutions is Our Speciality.

Our clients use us for complex printing work, using check digits and special roll labelling through to simple incremental serial number labels. Perhaps you need sets of numbers?  We print pairs, 3s, 4s – any number of labels.

Case Study – Our customer wanted to order barcode labels with a complex Luhn algorithm check digit included in the barcode.  They also needed the labels printed in reverse order, so the last label printed in the sequence appeared first on the roll.  To complicate matters further, a ‘header’ label identifying what numbers had been printed onto that roll was needed at the beginning of each roll.

We were able to create a database that included the check digit and built it into the number sequence, then, using our very powerful label design software, we wrote a custom script that printed the labels on our 300 dpi printer and use our label rewinder to meet the exact standards our client wanted.

Database Connections.

We extract data from a wide variety of sources to print onto our customer’s labels and tags – in fact we work with 11 different file formats – including Comma Separated Variables (CSV), Text files, Excel, MS SQL Server and Access database files, but also some of the less common ones – such as SAP Intermediate Docs (SAP iDocs), OLE DB, universal data link and ODBC.

Production Times.

If you have simple requirements we can often find a label off the shelf and have your labels printed in hours (read this story about how we turned around a label in hours).  For more specific needs we have access to a choice of tens of thousands of labels and tags – ready for production in a few days.  For very precise and unusual projects, we can usually get the finished labels out to you in around two weeks.

Off the shelf labels
Off the shelf labels

What to Expect: Our Process.


First visit our barcode label order page.

Designing Labels
Designing Labels
2.Choose the material (paper or plastic) and size of label you need.
3.Enter what you want printed on the form, upload any artwork and upload a database or spreadsheet.
4.We receive a copy of your order.  If we don’t understand something, we’ll contact you to clarify.

We print a label proof and send over an image of the label for you to approve. 

When we get confirmation you’re happy with the label, we start printing.  We check the quality of the barcode label printing services at the beginning and throughout the printing job.  We have barcode scanners that we use to ensure the codes are readable and that they are encoding the correct information. If the job is a long one, we’ll use our label rewind unit to roll the printed labels onto cores.

Barcode Label Printing
Barcode Label Printing
6.Finally we check the labels for quality once more and package them for our courier to deliver to you.

Your Guarantee.

Our label and ink combinations are checked in a laboratory to ensure they remain legible and stuck for the specified life of the label.  We guarantee to replace any labels that fail to meet these standards.  Ask us to specify the label life when you order.

What’s Next.

Our service team have been expertly barcode label printing since well before the turn of the century.  In fact, we are one of the few barcode label printing companies with over 25 years of experience.  We would be happy to talk through your ideas to see if we can help.

Tell us about your labelling project on 01359 271 111, or email us now at and see if any of our label printing services can help.

Updated: 25 Sept 2020