All posts by Miles

Typharm gets up and running with the FMD.

Typharms Products
One of Typharms products

Typharm is a family owned pharmaceutical manufacturer located in Norwich.  They have been making ointments and treatments since 1985.

“The EU’s Falsified Medicines Directive came into force in February 2019 and part of that was a need to print high quality barcodes. We understood thermal label printing but needed a fully tested label printing system which verified the labels and worked with the data hub”.  Tom – Typharm

The Problem

Whilst Typharm could print thermal labels, it didn’t have up to date software in order to design Falsified Medicines Directive (FMD) compliant labels – i.e. the Datamatrix code.  Another requirement of the FMD was to have barcodes that had been quality tested.

The Solution

Typharm contacted Expert Labels and a meeting was organised.  During the meeting BarTender label design software was examined and we talked about how they could overcome the barcode testing problem.

A year earlier we had worked with Identify Direct, a company that implements Omron Microscan in-line barcode verification solutions.  Using camera technology and software, it is able to compare what should have been printed with what was coming out of the printer.

It was able to work so quickly, it was able to stop the printer and warn the operator if the label being printed was wrong.  Typharm decided to use the Printronix T8304 thermal label printer.

Printronix Printer with Inline Barcode Verifier
Printronix Printer with Inline Barcode Verifier

Using this printer the inline verification system is able to stop the print, retract the label and print hash marks over it – marking it quite clearly as rejected, eliminating the possibility a non-compliant label makes its way onto a product.  It even had a warning beacon attached to the printer.

Inline Verification System
Inline Verification System On A Zebra ZT600 Printer)

The Printronix printer, IVS barcode verifier and BarTender software were installed and set up on the same day.  Expert Labels specialised in the BarTender software whilst Identify Direct handled the hardware and verifier.

The label design in BarTender appeared simple at first glance but below the surface, needed to combine a simple to use data entry form along with a data matrix 2D barcode which brought together the data that the FMD requires.  What was also important was printing the same FMD data in ‘human readable’ form on the label.

We set it up so that when the user came to print their label, the form was displayed and prompted the user to enter the various pieces of data demanded by the FMD.  Things got easier for the user but more difficult for us, the label designer. We wanted to check the data entered was correct – so we needed to set up data entry rules.

Another component of the label that BarTender handled was a unique serial number that needs to be included on the FMD label.  Typharm used a company to generate the random serial numbers. The numbers were sent to Typharm as a CSV file. BarTender took the CSV file and used the data on the label, printing different labels for each number in the file.

The project was completed in two stages.  First: printer, verifier and BarTender software installation and training – done on site.  Second: setting up the serialisation data from Tracelink when it was available for testing.  The second stage was done remotely.

Training in the BarTender label design software took place in person at Typharm.  The users were given a workbook to fill in as they worked through various exercises that practiced the features they needed for their label but also demonstrated other features that could help them in the future.

The Result

Thanks to Typharm putting the project together in good time before the FMD deadline, we were able to complete the project with time to spare.  There were a few problems with the data received from Tracelink but these were resolved by Expert Labels, working remotely, in a matter of hours.

How to make your labelling systems reliable

Ever woken up in the night in a cold sweat.  Your worst nightmare is playing out. Your label printer has stopped working, and you can’t print labels.  Your product can’t be shipped and the factory grinds to a halt.

No – I can’t imagine you’re kept awake at night thinking about labels – but perhaps you should.

Everything from label and ribbon stock outs, printing the wrong data through to printers breaking down can stop production.  I can list 30 reasons why your labelling might stop and for most modern production processes, no labels means no production.

Whilst the chances are relatively small – I’ll bet you’re like most UK manufacturers – you’ve not given this insignificant but critical part of your production process a second thought.

Labelling is one of those lesser thought-of but critical points in an organization. Not being able to put labels onto your products means that your customers can’t accept your products and your goods can’t be shipped.

Test your Labelling Resilience

If you’re concerned about bringing your operation to a grinding halt because of your labelling  – here are five things you can do to reduce the risks to your organisation:

Spare Printers

Having just one printer opens you up to risk.  It breaks and you stop printing labels.  Eliminate that risk with a spare printer.

The good thing about spare printers is that they’re not redundant. Having more than one printer means you can share the workload across your printer fleet – reducing wear and tear at one single point.

As long as you can print labels with another printer if primary printer gets dropped and damaged, you eliminate that risk.

Single Manufacturer Printer Fleet

13 Zebra label Printers
13 Zebra label Printers

Having one make of printer means interchangeable ribbons, labels, printer language and parts.

Spare printheads can be used by any one of your printers so you only need one spare.

Maintaining label and ribbons stocks are more simple.

Printers can be redeployed without needing to change printer drivers and software.

Your operators and support team know how to operate and maintain them and don’t need to spend time learning the quirks of each type of printer.

Networked PCs for up to the second status reports

For a modest increase in cost, you can network your printers.  Most industrial class printers come networked as standard.

Having a printer visible on your network means the printer fleet can be managed more effectively.

Plus, of course, you can to print from any computer on the network.

Back ups of Label design software and templates

With larger organizations, an IT manager’s neck is on the line if backing up is not done.

However, with some smaller businesses, back ups, especially on a standalone label printing computer, are not always in place.

This is a schoolboy error but could stop printing.

Automated Data Entry

An almost invisible error is where a label looks right but the barcode contains the wrong data. It might be something like the wrong use-by date or product serial number.

Industrial grade labelling software like Seagull Scientific’s BarTender enables you to automate data entry.  Date codes can be calculated and included in printed labels. Product serial numbers can be taken directly from your database or scanned from an existing barcode.

To make sure though, a quality control process that checks labels should be in place to spot data entry errors.

But there’s more

We’ve got 25 other ideas to either reduce your labelling risks or improve the efficiency of your labelling system.  Visit us to assess how resilient your labelling system is.


There’s lots of reasons why your labelling system can break down. Whilst they’re uncommon, the consequences of labelling failure can be catastrophic.

Thermal label printing is a complicated, specialist area of expertise that can be made much more efficient, effective and reliable by working with thermal labelling experts.

Servicing thermal label printers is different from standard office printer servicing.

Roll labels are made in a different way to sheet paper and buying them is different. With the likelihood that you’re using different materials such as plastics and thermal coated papers – purchasing labels is more complicated than paper.

Thermal ribbons are different from toner-based or liquid inks.

The capability of a thermal transfer printer is significantly different to that of a flat sheet inkjet or toner-based printer.

All these factors can mean a much more efficient process or a chaotic or inefficient labelling solution.

Protect Your Labelling System Today

Test your labelling Resilience

For a no commitment chat to see if you could be getting better results from your labelling or help identifying potential danger points, give Miles a call at Expert Labels Limited, click the chat button in the right bottom corner or email and ask for Miles.

This Week (in the Exciting World of Label Compliance) – BPA-Free Thermal Labels

Are You Ready to be BPA Free?

Compliance is a part of doing business and I thought I’d take the chance to update you on BPA free labels.   BPA will be banned in the EU next year and this is a chance for you to be a step ahead of your competitors with your BPA compliance.

What is BPA?

BPA (Bisphenol-A) is a chemical used in plastics and is also used in some thermal label materials.

BPA Free Thermal Labels
Thermal Labels like this contain BPA

Thermal labels, if you remember, are the kind that don’t need an ink ribbon to print.  They are usually used in short life labels like free food or courier labels.  If you’re not sure what yours are – hit the Web Chat button in the bottom right of the screen or Phone us on 01359 271 111

BPA is thought to be involved in a long list of health conditions from cancer, brain problems, heart conditions – in fact it could be blamed for pretty much every ailment that affects us.  Whilst there’s little actual medical evidence to prove beyond doubt, it has been decided by regulators around the world that the world is probably a better place without BPA.  So, on 2nd January 2020, BPA will be banned in Europe.

Is BPA in all thermal labels?

No. It only appears in some economy grades of thermal labels.  There are too many label brands to list here – but if you contact us, we would be happy to confirm if you are compliant or not.

What do I need to know about BPA Free Thermal Labels?

Many of our suppliers are working hard to remove BPA from their thermal labels and be BPA free before the UK deadline.

Certainly most of our direct thermal labels will be BPA free in the next few months, if not, there will be BPA Free thermal labels alternatives we can help you with.

After January 1st, 2020 it will be illegal for us to supply Thermal Labels containing BPA.

Where can I find information about the changes?

Contact us here at Expert Labels Ltd – on the chat button on the right of the screen, by phone on 01359 271 111 or email at and we’ll be happy to help.

Useful Links

Take a look at the UK Food Safety Agency’s page on BPA in plastics.  Click here.

Updated 13 Jun 2019.

Seagull Scientific BarTender 2019 Editions Summary

Seagull Scientific recently released BarTender 2019.

What’s different is they now have a free edition of their label design software. The question we often get is: what is included in the Free edition of BarTender 2019?


Supports all document design for a static label layout.  No variable data of any kind or conditional printing.  Limited use of the Administration Console in terms of companion applications.

(This link takes you to an external website where you can download BarTender)


BarTender Data Entry Form
BarTender Data Entry Form

Supports all document design, but the key difference with the free version is that you can connect databases to your labels.  Also includes conditional printing (i.e. if you have the word German in the language field of a database, print the German version of the labels).  Professional includes entering  variable data using a data entry form (see above), weigh scales or a webcam/flatbed scanner etc.


Supports all of the above, plus anything to do with automation such as form actions (i.e. updating a database if a label has printed) and Integration Platform (triggering label printing based on emails, updates from web pages or updates from databases).


All of the above plus document management, printer management (tracking when printers are paused or not working and what blank labels are printed), Print Portal with mobile apps, print job redirection, centralised security (with users given different permissions) with electronic signatures and encryption.

Zebra Regional Partner Summit

On May 22 Zebra hosted it’s regional partner summit at the Belfry golf resort in Sutton Coldfield, England.

It was a chance to hear Zebra’s strategy for the near future, about their products and learn where they see the market moving to.

They started by telling the assembled resellers how Zebra is performing in the market.  Number one in most parts of the world for hand held terminals, printers and scanners.  Growth is in double digits in most sectors and revenue is up significantly.

A couple of common themes appeared.

Zebra’s DNA concept came up regularly.

This is a suite of software and design philosophies that tie together their hand held terminals and printers.

The rush towards Android powered handheld terminals has begun and Android is replacing Windows Mobile.

Zebra described how its range of terminals outperform the competition in terms of durability and security.

Not much was said about printers. Zebra’s focus is on its handheld terminals.

Print Resolution and DPI Explained

In this article you’ll learn what ‘DPI’ and ‘resolution’ means when we talk about thermal label printers.  When you’re looking at the specifications for a printer or when someone mentions DPI, you’ll understand what it means.  You’ll also learn what DPI resolution printer suits your situation best.

We’ll cover:

  • Dots per Inch and printer resolution.
  • How to decide what resolution I need.
  • See before you buy.

Let’s take a closer look:

Printer Resolution and DPI Explained:

DPI stands for Dots Per Inch which means how many dots of printing you get per of inch.  It is also known as resolution.  A higher DPI printer will also be a higher resolution printer.  In other words a 300 DPI printer has a higher resolution than a 200 DPI printer.

DPI Examples
The above image shows the difference between 203, 300 and 600 DPI print

A higher DPI means a clearer and crisper print. When it comes to thermal label printers, 203 dpi is standard but there are higher DPI printers – 300 dpi printer resolution is common but you can also buy 600 dpi printers.

Example labels printed 203 and 300 dpi
203 DPI and 300 DPI labels
203 DPI and 300 DPI labels

What DPI Printer Resolution Do I Need?

Deciding the print resolution you need is something you need to do before choosing a printer.  You need to consider:

  • Clarity and readability – the higher the resolution or DPI the sharper the image printed.
  • Print speed – the higher the DPI, the slower the print speed.
  • Size of text – the smaller the print of the text or symbols used, the higher the DPI needed to ensure legibility.
  • Cost – higher DPI resolution printers cost more and replacing the printhead costs more.

How Are You Using Your Labels?

As a rule of thumb:

  • If the person looking at your labels is thinking of buying the item (i.e. you want to present your products in the best light), choose 300 DPI printer resolution. 
  • If the label is a packaging label used by the warehouse or used in an industrial setting then choose 203 DPI. 
  • If you are printing a small label and you need text smaller than 7 point then go for 300 DPI.
  • If you are printing small labels (typically less than 10mm wide or tall) and you need a 1D or 2D barcode (QR Code or Datamatrix code) on it, consider a 300 DPI or 600 DPI printer.
Zebra ZT610 600 DPI High Resolution printer
Zebra ZT610 600 DPI High Resolution Printer

600 DPI printers are not widely used but can be essential in electronics or sometimes jewellery and pharmaceutical industries.

See Before you Buy

We are able to test print 203 and 300 DPI labels for you.  Let us send you a sample print out and see for yourself. 

We don’t have a 600 DPI printer in house, but if you are considering a 600 DPI printer it’s highly recommended that you test the print first.  600 DPI is available on a limited range of printers and the cost is high.  Contact us with what you need and we will arrange for a printout for testing.

We're Here to Help

We have more than 25 years experience with barcode label printing and are here to help you.  Click on the chat button in the bottom corner, contact us through our Contact Us page or call us now on 01359 271 111 for Expert advice.

Useful Links

Wikipedia’s Thermal Transfer Printing article mentions printhead resolution:

Put your feet up and outsource your label printing

Let’s take a look at the economics and practicalities of printing labels in house compared with outsourcing label printing to someone like us.

What you need to print your own labels

For a start, you need a printer, labels, labelling software, ink ribbon.

Depending on the volume of labels you’re printing and the size and durability of labels will determine what printer you need.

Desktop label printer, labels, ribbon and CD
What you need to print your own labels

Likely costs – printer, labels, ribbons and software.  A small desktop printer, a box of paper labels and ribbons and basic software will cost you up to £550.

Then there are the unseen and unexpected costs –

  • Repair costs – the printer needs fixing every couple of years (unlikely as thermal printers are very reliable – but you never know).  The printhead which costs a few hundred pounds (on a larger printer) wears out over time. This needs to be factored in to the costs of printing.
  • Support costs – getting someone to set the printer up or the time you spend reading manuals, training costs – and the costs of not training (such as discovering one of the warehouse boys cut a vital part of the printer when they were using a knife to get a stuck label out of the printer),
  • Management Time – trying to hook the printer up to the network or deciding what model of printer would be best suited to a particular situation and
  • Time spent supervising the printer. Reloading labels and ribbons and keeping an eye on the printer.
  • Time spent rolling labels – time spent taking printed labels and re-reeling them back onto cardboard cores.
  • Storage and printing space – keeping boxes of labels and a large printer can use up precious space you could use for other things.
  • Label printing accessories – label rewind units, label counters and slitters spring to mind.  They make label printing more efficient but they cost money.

Pros and cons of printing in house.


  1. No delays – print them when you want them
  2. Print dates and batch codes – difficult when your labels are printed in advance
  3. Economical if you have high volumes to print.  That said – talk to us about high volume label printing – the difference in cost between in house printing and outsourced might be closer than you think and you can use the staff you have to focus inside your business and leave us to concentrate on your labels.


  1. If you print them wrong you only have yourself to blame
  2. You might need to invest in large amounts of labels – when you only print a few hundred labels at a time.
  3. It takes time to learn the software and how to operate the printer
  4. You are vulnerable to printer breakdown.  If you have your labels printed for you – make sure the printing company has more than one printer (we do).
Label Printing Centre
Three printers for printing labels is better than one


If you have a need to print unique labels to match a particular item, you need labels with a date on them or you print lots of labels – I recommend you print them in house.  Otherwise – click on the chat button in the bottom right corner of the screen or contact us and get a quote for us to print your labels for you.

Weigh the costs against the convenience of having us print your labels.

If we have suitable labels on the shelf your labels can be printed today and with you tomorrow.

Useful links

Label Printing Services

Published 15 Apr 2019

Seagull Scientific’s BarTender Launch Conference

On Monday 8th April 2019 Seagull Scientific launches the latest version of their popular and powerful BarTender label design software. On Thursday 4th April they invited a select group of partners to hear the latest news and meet the Seagull senior management. Here’s what I learned…

BarTender 2019 is more streamlined and has some minor features added.

Its user interface has been tweaked.  Everything looks pretty similar – so users of older versions will feel at home.  It’s only when you start adding text or other features that you stop and realise the capabilities are different.

BarTender price and licencing has changed – Gone is the basic edition and now there are three editions – Pro, Automation and Enterprise.  Now you pay for the software licence and an additional fee for each printer you intend to print to.  There is a free version of BarTender, but interestingly Seagull hasn’t said a word about it.

Support is improved but charged for. Now there are target response times when you contact Seagull, but you pay for maintence and support.  The first year of maintence is bundled in the software price, but you need to pay extra for subsequent years.  The good news is that maintence also means you get upgraded to the latest version of the software.  The bad news is that you won’t be able to buy additional printer licences unless you have maintenance cover.

What else did I learn?

Fingerprinting Products

Harold Boa, Seagull’s CEO, talked of ‘fingerprinting’ products – uniquely identifying each and every product with a 2D barcode.  When you scan it with an app (it seems Amazon may be working on such apps) you can see it’s a genuine product, giving you confidence in the brand.

For brand owners it means their customers can check the item hasn’t been counterfeited or sold through unauthorised channels.  Customers can check information not printed on the labelling and product recalls can be done in a much more targeted way.

Harold Boa, Seagull Scientific's CEO
Harold Boa, Seagull Scientific’s CEO, at the BarTender 2019 Partner day.

Micro branding opportunities

Boa believes there is a great opportunity for printing ultra short run printing job.  Personalised bottles for a wedding and such like.

BarTender in the Cloud.

The Seagull CEO explained the company’s moves towards putting BarTender in the cloud.  He recognised the importance of Cloud based software and told us how ‘under the hood’ BarTender was having the foundations included, for more Cloud based functionality.

Seagull Scientific’s EMEA Sales Director, David Parras, described where BarTender offered real benefit to organisations:  where there was a great need for compliant labels and where organisations had to manage many different label formats.

Useful Links

Label Design Software

How we work, here at Expert Labels

Odds are you’ve visited our site, interested in labels.  Probably a label that’s a little unusual and out of the ordinary.  High temperature labels or peel and reveal. You’ve landed on a page or you’ve followed a trail that’s lead you there.  You’ve read the article and you think you’ve found what you’re looking for. Now you’re interested in getting some labels or a printer.


Request a Label Sample

Step one, you fill in the form on our website and we’ll send you out the samples you’re interested in. If it’s a simple request then we go through our sample library and put a sample in an envelope and send it to you.


Often we’re asked for high temperature labels – but there’s quite a lot of information we need to know in order to get you the best performing sample. We need to know what temperature range you need, what temperature it’s applied at, what’s it applied to, how long it will be at a particular temperature and so on. There’s usually too much to put on a form, so we get in touch.


We ship your samples and record the specifications sent so when we speak again we know what you had.   

Often we send you samples of label materials – especially when it comes to biodegradable or sustainable labels.


Clarify What you Need

We collect all the info we need to get the labels right
Label details

After a few days we’ll be in touch to see if the label samples were OK. In the case of some more technical labels such as high temperature, peelable or chemical resistant, you might need to try a few different label materials until you’re happy with a result. Once we have settled on a material we’ll ask you about label dimension, print requirements, quantities and a few other details before we can quote. We might appear a little pedantic but it’s important that we are clear on what you need as this can be embarrassing, time-consuming and expensive if we get it wrong and have to redo a print job later.

Prepare a quote

Once we have the information we need we put together your quote and email it to you.

Confirm order and put it in writing

Once we agree the price we set out in detail what you’re getting and specify the expected delivery date. We confirm the price and send it over as an order confirmation. If you don’t have an account with us we will send you a proforma invoice to pay against.

Check your proofs

If you’re having printing done then we need to prepare an image of what your label will look like. 95% of the time this will be a pdf or graphic of the label. Sometimes it might be what we call a wet proof. A wet proof is a physical printout of the label. For most of the labels we print a wet proof isn’t possible but with digitally printed labels onto paper it is. Wet proofs have to be printed and posted out and adds delay to the process, but you will get to see the material and the actual colours.

As with all printing companies, we wait for you to confirm back by email that you’re happy with the proof. Only when we have it in writing do we proceed. If we are over-printing your labels using one of our thermal transfer printers then we will photograph a printed label and send you that, so you can see an image of the exact label you’re going to get.

Make to Order

Overprinting labels

If we are printing your labels using our thermal transfer printers (i.e. simple black printed labels with barcodes or serial numbers) and we have the labels in stock, then we can print and ship in a matter of hours, providing we get proofs approved and payment received.  If we need blank labels made this can take a day if they are stock labels or up to ten days for custom blank labels (though usually faster).

Colour printed labels

This stage takes around ten days. If you are having colour labels printed in any volume (ie more than 5,000) then ‘plates’ need to be made. Each different colour on your label has a different plate. The label design is separated into different colours and a plate is created. This process might take a couple of hours to be completed, but it has to be scheduled in a queue so might take a day to be finished.

If you need an unusual label size you might need a label cutter – a metal plate that has raised lines that cut out the shape of the label from the sheet of label material.  This process is outsourced to specialists. Again, like plate making, the actual building time is short but the job will go into a queue.

Next the labels need to be made.  Labels we make are typically made on large printing presses.  Setting up a machine takes minutes – longer if there are colours involved – then test printing takes a few more minutes.  Once the job has been set up it can take anything from a few minutes to print your labels – through to hours – depending on the number of labels and the material being printed.  Labels made with destructible materials (i.e. for tamper evident labels) can’t be run fast through the printing press – they fall apart.

Once the labels are printed, the label printing press needs to be cleaned – more so if the print involved colour labels.

As with the plate and die making stages, the labels go on to the machine in a planned way.  Blank jobs (i.e. labels without any printing on them) would be scheduled together because there is less cleaning after the production run.  Usually jobs are printed in order they are received but it might be possible to leapfrog the queue, especially if the labels are made from an unusual material – and there is an earlier job using the same material.  That saves time changing large rolls of materials on the press.

We might then have to take your labels and ‘finish’ them.  That means adding the extra features you sometimes find with labels – embossing, adding gold leaf (you can tell we have some pretty classy customers!) or varnish.


Digital Printing

Digital printing press used for peel and reveal labels
Digital printing press

If the number of labels you need is relatively small then we would digitally print them. A digital label press is like a very large laser printer. So large in fact, you could walk inside it. Toner comes in buckets. Digital label printers have no plates so there’s no ink to have to clean off and no delays waiting for the plates to be made. Once you’ve approved the proof we can be printing your labels. The only delays with a digitally printed label is changing the material your labels are made of or any special finishes you might need. Additionally you still need to cut out the shape of the label and there may be a delay there. Digital presses are slower than Flexo presses (Flexo is the name of the traditional printing process) but they are getting faster. Every year faster digital presses are launched.

With digital label printing, the quantity of labels is no longer significant. You can print one label because the machine setup time is so small.

Another advantage of digital printing is that each label can be unique. Useful if you’re producing labels for a competition where there’s only a few winners.

Ship goods and follow up

When your labels are printed and boxed they get shipped.  We usually get tracking details but there are some couriers who don’t provide this information.  Because we use different suppliers for ribbons and printer and scanner hardware we don’t have a standard tracking email we send to you.  Please contact us for tracking details if you are concerned about your shipment.

Check everything is OK

When we think you should have received your order we will phone or email to check you received it OK.  It’s at this stage we will invoice you if you have an account with us.

BarTender Label Software Training

BarTender Label Design Training

There are plenty of videos showing you how to work BarTender label design software, but how can you make your learning most effective?  What are the hallmarks of an effective BarTender software training course?

BarTender is a powerful suite of label design software developed in 1996 by Seattle based Seagull Scientific.  Seagull Scientific have built BarTender into a versatile, easy to use tool for printing labels, ID cards and general documents.  

Hidden below the surface however,  BarTender has hundreds of useful features to automate the printing and production of any kind of document, generate barcodes from different sources, create libraries of documents accessible by thousands of people – the list goes on.  

But having such power is worthless unless you know how to use it.

Why bother with a BarTender training course?

The first obvious reason is so you can use the software.  Training enables you to use the many features of the software and helps you create labels more efficiently.  The second, almost bi-product of a well structured and easy-to-use course, is introducing you to features you might not ordinarily have seen.  Once you see what BarTender is capable of, you can make label and document printing faster and more efficient. BarTender can transform your operations.  

Organisations might not know what they need but when staff have a wide understanding of the tools at their disposal opportunities can be seized upon.

What to look for in your BarTender software training course

For a training program to get the best results it needs to:

  • Start from the obvious and move on to more difficult concepts.
  • Have easy to use reference materials you can use to remind yourself later
  • Have practical exercises to put into practice the theories you’ve learned
  • Have an opportunity to revisit what you’ve learned so you practice the power of recall.
  • Have somewhere you can get answers to questions not found in the training material

Keeping Accountability

Everyone wants to think they’ll work tirelessly towards the company’s goals – reality is somewhat different.  With millions of cat videos to watch – who has the time to study label design software? Accountability helps keep you on the straight and narrow. With gentle follow ups to see where you are with your training reminds you to commit another 15 minutes this week to learning more.

The 70-20-10 Model of learning

The 70-20-10 Model of learning says that 70% of learning comes from personal experience, 20% comes from peer learning and just 10% comes from courses and instruction.  This is reflected in modern teaching theory which encourages students to do rather than listen or watch.

Learning theories change every few years – but the one constant in human learning is the role of experience. Confucius said: “I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.”

70% Experience

With complicated and comprehensive software like BarTender it’s very easy to get lost working through the many functions found in the program. Guided experience that takes you from the easy to the difficult progressively means that students won’t give up or become overwhelmed.  Tailoring the training to the users actual job or the organisation’s labelling requirements makes the experience part of the model more relevant and meaningful. It also improves motivation with students seeing a clear benefit to how they do their job.

20% Peer Learning

In today’s internet world, in-person groups are few and far between.  Online groups and forums can’t be beaten for convenience. Post up your questions and experiences from your desktop or mobile.  We use a Tapatalk group forum to share BarTender label design experience. Ask questions and get answers from fellow students or our expert moderators.

10% Instruction and training courses

Passively sitting watching a slideshow offers limited benefit and probably explains why the 70-20-10 learning model places such a low value on instruction and courses.  We agree that passive learning is not effective and make learning as active as possible.

So how can we apply this model to make your BarTender learning effective?

Expert Label’s BarTender Training Program

  1. Reference – in video form and written,
  2. Ongoing expert support – just an email away,
  3. Active learning – learn by doing – working systematically through a workbook making your own notes, following the video guidance.
  4. Short bite sized video tutorials
  5. Regular summary of learning,
  6. Expert knowledge of subject matter,
  7. Online quizzes to embed learning and to provide immediate feedback.


Useful links

Personnel Today – the 70, 20, 10 percent model of learning.